Welcome to my blog!

This is a place where you will get random musings of a business owner, some very perceptive observations and on a productive day…tips on how to improve your own leadership skills. I do not claim to know everything, far from it. I believe a successful entrepreneur never stops learning so I am always looking for opportunities to expand my knowledge base. Now, grab a cup of coffee, lean back in your chair and enjoy reading the blog. I would love your comments and observations…you have as much to teach me as I have to share with you!

You are beautiful, you are strong, you are WORTHY! #befabulous

I don’t know if “confessions” is really the right word to use here, maybe the title should be “The Why of a 40+ Business Woman” but that isn’t nearly as attention grabbing. What could I possibly be crazy enough to confess to in a blog that anyone can see?

Fear is powerful.
Fear will keep you from doing what you love and discovering new things. We let fear get the best of us most of the time. I know I’m guilty of that more often than I care to admit. Once we let fear take over….

As strong women we have a tendency to take care of everyone but ourselves.
We put the needs of others above our own. We are taught from an early age that we should sacrifice our happiness for…..

First impressions can literally make you or break you. You never know when you may cross the path of a potential client. My 3 tips can help you rock first impressions anytime, anywhere.